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  • Locations USA, UAE, UA

The military trench earthmoving complex

Seeking investment $ 420 000

  • 50-70% in LLC
  • Purshasing additional mashinery for production
  • Improoving base version to v.2


The trench earthmoving complex, which is to replace the caterpillar running base, has been mounted on it arrow with the function of moving in vertical and horizontal planes, equipped with
auger forging body and conveyor line, bunker, as well as rozvantazhuvalny console with lanzyugovim bagatokovshevim outbuildings to be lower than the earth's surface, which numbs the yogi directly aiming, rozvantazhuvalna the console of the vikonan with the possibility of folding the parapet from the side roztashuvannya of the enemy, the complex is carried out either by the operator, who is known to armored cab, or remotely, for an additional portable remote control, with which route trenches are controlled from the stopovers of GPS navigation, and the visibility of the launch complex Dimovih grenades allow yoga masking for more careless congestion in the minds contact with the enemy

The numbers

  • Low cost of production
  • Patented model with real tests
  • Potential Countries to distribute - about 35

Why Invest Now

Modern type of equimpent that tested it real war conditions with modern tech